Facnor FX+ 900 Flying Sail Furler
The standard kit of the FX+ furler Kit includes :
One continuous line drum in anodized aluminum and CNC machined in a solid block, protected by a composite/carbon housing, low profile drum
One swivel also in anodized aluminum and CNC machined in a solid block, including neoprene anti-impact cover with high-visibility marking
One snapshackle as bottom drum attachment (optional SSH+ solid sheave as alternative)
One shackle as top swivel attachment (optional 2-to-1 friction ring as alternative)
The FX+ in/out system offers comfort in sail handling, reliability and easy manipulation:
Monoblock concept of the mechanisms for durability
Intuitive manipulation to connect the sail to the mechanisms thanks to a fitted-in, compact and unique captive quick-release pin Bottom drive unit with largely dimensioned diameter for a strong torque and therefore more comfortable handling
Rotation transmitted through an anti-torsion luff rope ? optional Ð slided inside the luff tape and fitted with thimble on each end Optimize your investment and convert your furlers for the use with your asymmetric Spinnaker, just add FAST top-down thimble